In general, an engineering technologist receives a broad range of applied science and applied mathematics training, as well as the fundamentals of engineering in the student's area of focus. Engineering technology programs typically include instruction in various engineering support functions for research, production, and operations, and applications to specific engineering specialties.
Engineering sciences include thermodynamics, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, statics, dynamics, mechanics of materials, kinematics, electromagnetism, materials science, earth sciences, engineering physics.
Educational Institutions
There are over 100 educational institutions across Canada that offer over 500 different engineering technology and applied science programs.
Why Accreditation Matters?
Accreditation provides assurance that an engineering technology or applied science program has met an educational standards of the profession.
Accreditation provides confidence that you have the required knoweldge and skills to help you enter your profession
Accreditaito provides an expedited path to professional certification through your provincial certifying body.
Accreditation demonstrates your commitment to delivering the highest quality education which meets the standards of the engineering technology and applied science profession.
Accreditation provides you confidence that graduates you're hiring have the required knowledge and skills to contribute to the success of your organizarion.
TAC National Accredited Programs
TAC grants national program accreditation status to an engineering technology and applied science program which hasmet the educational standards of Canada's engineering technology and applied scieence profession.
For a list of TAC national accredited programs, click on the image below.
Canadian Technology Accreditation Criteria CTAC)
Canadian Technology Accreditation Criteria (CTAC) are the set of general and discipline learning outcomes.
There are eight (8) general learning outcomes (GLOs) and several discpline learning outcomes (DLOs) found in each technician and technologist CTAC. Each GLO and DLO contains a number of Learning Outcome Indicators (LOIs), which are examples, illustrating, defining and clarifying the level of performance to be achieved.
CTAC are used by accreditation bodies, provincial professional associations, educational institutions, government agencies, industry and others for the purposes accreditation, certification and other. TAC uses CTAC in the auditing of engineering technology and applied science programs for the purpose of national program accreditation.